ADAC - Driver safety training

Employee portrait vogt
Sabine Vogt
/ 2 minutes

Our employees who rely on their vehicles were offered the opportunity to permanently reduce fuel consumption and make their driving technique more sustainable with the ADAC's ECO driving training. They were not only taught how to save emissions with simple tips. But also basic facts about the car, its history and the future.

Employee portrait vogt
Sabine Vogt
/ 2 minutes

ECO driving training for agt

According to Statista, around 56.88 million people in Germany had a car driver's license in 2019, according to a survey. On average, there were one to two cars per household, with three or more cars per household being rather uncommon among respondents. Nowadays, everyone is aware of the effects of CO₂ emissions and greenhouse gases. The annual rise in temperature is undeniable.

This is just one of many statistics that make us aware of how real the problem of climate change is. This is why agt has set itself the goal of increasing its focus on sustainability. Many employees work at the headquarters on site. Starting here appears to be the first step towards more sustainable corporate management. Targeted projects, workshops and events are designed to encourage employees to think and act proactively.

Due to the central location of the office building in Hamburg-Hammerbrook, many employees can travel to the office by public transport. agt welcomes this with a Profi-Ticket subsidy. Colleagues who cannot do without a car as their main means of transportation are regularly invited to take part in certified driver training courses run by the ADAC. In the summer of 2021, for example, the ADAC driving safety training course for more efficient and economical driving was held for employees in Hamburg. 

After a joint breakfast and a welcome, the agt colleagues were divided into groups of two and asked to drive a previously agreed route in their usual driving style. The vehicles' on-board computers were then evaluated and individual training was provided for each participant. What they had learned was consolidated individually and with a driving coach in their own vehicle.

With sustainable initiatives such as promoting the use of public transport and ADAC driver safety training, agt raises employees' awareness of environmentally conscious behavior and supports them in reducing their carbon footprint.

Joint carpooling projects, e-charging points on site or regular training on sustainable behavior pave the way for an even greener corporate strategy.


Education about the car and its consumption

Driving training for a more efficient driving style

Outlook for the automotive industry

Intensive learning with the vehicle

Get to know our other projects

agt is constantly involved in sustainable projects. Whether socially, economically or ecologically. Find out more about our commitment. 

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As soon as you become aware of incidents or business practices of AGT Bus- & Eventlogistik GmbH where you have doubts as to whether they are in accordance with the legal regulations, the Code of Conduct or other guidelines of AGT Bus- & Eventlogistik GmbH, you can report them now.

Not only the support of employees, but also the assistance of customers and business partners is of great importance. This is the only way to react immediately and avert or minimize damage. Ideally, the problem should be discussed directly and confidentially with a contact person at AGT Bus- & Eventlogistik GmbH. In this way, a solution can be found quickly and without detours.

However, there may be situations in which this direct route does not appear feasible. In such cases, a specialized legal ombudsman (lawyer of trust) has been set up as an internal and external reporting office at AGT Bus- & Eventlogistik GmbH. The information will be received confidentially. The reporting person can communicate openly with the ombudsman, stating their name and contact details. This makes it possible to ask questions about the facts of the case, which sometimes proves to be very helpful. If desired, however, the identity of the person making the report will not be disclosed.

If you do not wish to disclose your identity to the lawyer of confidence, you can submit information online and anonymously via the following whistleblower portal. Anonymous tips will also be investigated.

It is trusted that no information will be submitted with dishonest intent. False reports can have legal consequences. With the help of this reporting system, AGT Bus- & Eventlogistik GmbH ensures that every report is carefully checked and that the reporter does not suffer any disadvantages as a result.

The attorney of trust of AGT Bus- & Eventlogistik GmbH can be reached at the following contact details:

Compliance Officer Services Legal

Attorney Stephan Rheinwalt
Telemannstrafle 22
53173 Bonn
Tel.: 0228/ 35036291
Mobile: 0171/7722906
Fax: 0228/ 35036292