United NationsGlobal CompactNetwork Germany
Corporate sustainability begins with a company's value system and a principles-based approach to its business activities. For us, this means that our business activities fulfill our fundamental responsibilities in the areas of human rights, labor, the environment and anti-corruption - and Since our official accession in 2021, we have been committed to the ongoing integration of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), taking these areas into account.
The principles of the UN Global Compact
Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights within their sphere of influence and
ensure that they are not complicit in human rights violations.
Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights within their sphere of influence and
the elimination of all forms of forced labor,
the abolition of child labor and
the elimination of discrimination in employment and occupation.
Companies should support a precautionary approach in dealing with environmental problems,
take initiatives to create a greater sense of responsibility for the environment and
promote the development and dissemination of environmentally friendly technologies.
Combating corruption
Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.
Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights within their sphere of influence and
ensure that they are not complicit in human rights violations.
Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights within their sphere of influence and
the elimination of all forms of forced labor,
the abolition of child labor and
the elimination of discrimination in employment and occupation.
Companies should support a precautionary approach in dealing with environmental problems,
take initiatives to create a greater sense of responsibility for the environment and
promote the development and dissemination of environmentally friendly technologies.
Combating corruption
Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.
The 2030 Agenda
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was adopted by the United Nations in 2015. It essentially refers to 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
No poverty
The elimination of poverty, through local social protection systems and resource mobilization to support the most vulnerable.
No hunger
Hunger and malnutrition are to be ended through sustainable agriculture and a secure food supply.
Health and well-being
Ensuring safe healthcare and combating disease. At the same time, mental health is to be improved and environmental health risks reduced.
High-quality education
Inclusive education and lifelong learning are promoted, basic education and equal opportunities are emphasized and education for sustainable development is supported.
Gender equality
Discrimination and violence against women should be eliminated, while at the same time the role of women in leadership positions should be strengthened.
Clean water and sanitation
Safe access to water is made possible and sanitary facilities and ecosystems are improved. Sustainable water management is also supported worldwide.
Affordable and clean energy
The aim is to achieve universal access to affordable, reliable energy, while at the same time promoting renewable, efficient and clean technologies.
Decent work and economic growth
Sustainable economic growth and comprehensive employment are made possible. This promotes decent working conditions and environmentally conscious development.
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
The development of robust infrastructures promotes sustainable industrialization and supports innovation and global technology access.
Fewer inequalities
Social, economic and political inequalities as well as comprehensive inclusion and fair migration are reduced.
Sustainable cities and communities
Cities and municipalities are to be made comprehensively sustainable, which includes safe, affordable housing, sustainable transportation systems and improved disaster protection.
Responsible consumption and production patterns
The sustainable use of resources is promoted. At the same time, waste is to be minimized and sustainable business practices implemented. The aim is to create conscious consumption for ecological sustainability.
Climate protection measures
The use of urgent climate protection measures is given and at the same time strengthens resilience to climate risks. In addition, sustainability is integrated into political processes at a global level.
Life under water
By preserving marine ecosystems and reducing pollution, the sustainable use of marine resources is promoted.
Life on land
The protection of ecosystems. This includes important factors such as sustainable forestry, combating desertification, reversing soil degradation and protecting biodiversity.
Peace, justice and strong institutions
Peaceful, inclusive societies with access to justice are promoted, which reduces violence and combats crime and corruption. At the same time, transparent, accountable institutions are being established.
Partnerships to achieve the goals
The focus is on strengthening global partnerships, coupled with the mobilization of resources and the establishment of effective cooperation. In the course of this, measures to promote sustainable development are developed.
The power of principles
Agency for global transport is clearly convinced that the goal of sustainable corporate and social development can only be achieved if a clear and goal-oriented awareness can be implemented among all its stakeholders. "For agt, this means that the 17 SDGs of the UNGC must be taken into account not only in the daily actions within the organization, but also in the selection of its service providers along the value chain.
The UNCG's defined goals also cover a wide range of CSR activities. The official membership of the UNGC is merely the starting signal for a future and ongoing sustainable development of the company and society. The company management is therefore looking forward to continuously raising awareness and implementing the 17 SDGs at agt.
"By joining the UN Global Compact, we are demonstrating that sustainability is a very high priority in our corporate philosophy and that change in the mobility industry must be our future."
Heike Januzi-Schlatermund, CEO
How we operate sustainably
Since joining, we have implemented numerous measures and projects that will contribute to sustainable development along the value creation process, internal and external stakeholders and society. The first implementations relate to SDG 4 - Quality Education, for example. This ensures that all employees are offered the opportunity for qualitative further development and self-realization. This promotes equality in terms of educational opportunities. A strict zero-tolerance policy against discrimination, harassment and corruption is also part of the corporate culture. Complaints procedures and escalation levels have been implemented for this purpose. In terms of procurement, agt attaches great importance to sustainability and has already trained 50% of its procurement staff in this area. The planned introduction of a whistle-blowing procedure should also help to report violations and strengthen corporate governance. Corruption prevention measures have been implemented through mandatory training in order to identify and minimize potential risks at an early stage. Respect for human rights is a fundamental component of corporate governance. agt is committed to upholding these rights and has also carried out training to ensure diversity and equal opportunities. The promotion of employees is a top priority, with constant investment in further training measures. An appropriate analysis is carried out to determine the skills of each employee, the overall picture of which is then mapped in a comprehensive skills matrix. At the same time, this is used to identify potential for development. This is one of the measures and procedures that we have developed in order to operate sustainably. At the same time, we underline agt's commitment to sustainable and responsible corporate governance.
We firmly believe that sustainable corporate and social development can only be achieved if all stakeholders develop a clear and targeted awareness of this. For us, this implies that the 17 SDGs should not only be taken into account in day-to-day activities within the organization, but must also be considered when selecting service providers along the entire value chain.
Doing business with principles
Strengthening society
Commitment of the company management
Report progress
Acting locally
Doing business with principles
Strengthening society
Commitment of the company management
Report progress
Acting locally