group of people in front of the agt fleet shuttle

Event logistics

In the fast-paced world of the event industry there is little room for mishaps. We offer customized mobility services for all types of events - from major festivals to conferences and private parties.

Do you have any questions or need help? Call for free and get advice or write an e-mail:

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If you have any questions or need help, call
for free advice or send an e-mail:

0800 50 50 50 3

fast side profile

Our event shuttle goes far beyond simple mobility management - because we plan an individual transportation concept for your event - which guarantees smooth passenger transportation, optimized resource coordination and maximum customer satisfaction.

AGT event shuttle bus

Celebrate your company anniversary in style and without organizational worries. We take care of all the logistical details: your guests and the celebration itself. From transportation coordination to on-site shuttles - our team will ensure that everything runs smoothly and that you have an unforgettable experience.

boarding group tour coach

Transform your company outing into an experience that your employees will remember for a long time to come. We take care of all the planning and logistics so that you can concentrate fully on the fun and team building.

About our event logistics

As part of our event logistics, we provide you with our extensive expertise in the implementation of passenger transportation as well as support before, during and after your event.

Our customers

Trust us, just like these satisfied private individuals and companies. Together we have organized great events with buses and our other services.

customer reviews
via ProvenExpert

customer reviews
via ProvenExpert

Experience event logistics

We give you an insight into our event logistics. Find out how we plan and handle small and large events and ensure their success. We ensure that our customers' wishes and expectations are met.

agt double-decker at the port of hamburg 5

Double decker for 50-90 people

agt minibus at the port of hamburg

Minibus for 7-19 people

agt travel coach seiliches profil

Coach for 20-50 people

agt double-decker at the port of hamburg 5

Double decker for 50-90 people

agt minibus at the port of hamburg

Minibus for 7-19 people

agt travel coach seiliches profil

Coach for 20-50 people

Discover all articles about our company, our fleet and more.

agt Sport teaser

Training camp
Team trips
Final trips

Sport journeys beyond imagination

agtsports provides the ultimate sports experience and connects on a global level.

agtsports offers customized sports trips. We not only take care of the traditional transportation and accommodation for your sports team, but also provide adequate training grounds at breathtaking locations worldwide. We facilitate memorable local excursions and organize test matches and tournaments between teams.

Training camp

Our training camps provide intensive training time and team-building activities. We organize professional training facilities, accommodation, coaches and test match opponents so that teams can develop their full potential.

Final trip

Our end-of-season trips are the perfect way to round off a season. We create unforgettable trips with activities that promote team spirit and fun for sports clubs of all kinds.

Ready for new challenge?
Customized event logistics

Designing customized mobility concepts for events is crucial to the success of any event. In the world of event logistics, we play a key role by specializing in providing solutions that ensure the highest standards of safety, comfort and reliability for passenger transportation. This often underestimated aspect of event planning is an essential factor for the smooth running of events and the satisfaction of participants. Our customized mobility concepts are based on extensive experience and resource coordination. Regardless of the size or type of your event, we develop customized mobility concepts that are perfectly tailored to your needs. We understand the complexities of event logistics and use this knowledge to ensure maximum efficiency and convenience for our clients.

Our expertise spans decades of successful and above all sustainable events, from large corporate anniversaries to cost-efficient solutions for smaller private events. In today's world, sustainability is a key factor in event planning. We are also strongly committed to environmental protection in event logistics. Our efforts in this regard are confirmed by TÜV certifications, which underline our commitment to ecological responsibility and sustainability. Our mobility concepts not only take into account the needs of our customers, but also those of our environment. Our goal is to seamlessly integrate event logistics into the overall flow of your event and ensure that the transportation of people is a stress-free and enjoyable experience for all participants.

Efficiency meets event logistics: fixed success controlling

When planning and implementing major events, event logistics are at the heart of our services. We specialize in the development and implementation of comprehensive mobility concepts that ensure the smooth transportation of guests - there are no limits to the maximum number of people. Our expertise ranges from conception to operational implementation on site, and we set up a central control center to effectively coordinate all event logistics processes. Our 24/7 back office support enables us to monitor event logistics in real time and make adjustments at short notice if necessary. As part of the event, we offer customized software solutions that ensure the digital coordination of all vehicles and service providers in event logistics. These tools not only enable efficient networking of the various players, but also a convenient ticketing system for the event shuttle service.

Our experts will be happy to help you create a customized mobility concept for your event and implement the event logistics with the utmost precision. Parallel events in the region are of course taken into account during the conception phase. By setting up targeted countermeasures, we guarantee that your event will run smoothly and without disruption. With our many years of experience and our use of innovative solutions, we ensure first-class event logistics that guarantee the smooth running of your event and your utmost satisfaction as our customer. Contact us to find out more about our event logistics services and benefit from our expertise. We will take your event to the next level with efficiency and professionalism.

Cost savings and flexibility thanks to our Europe-wide network

Efficient event logistics not only means saving time, but also financial efficiency. Thanks to our strategic planning and seamless implementation from a single source, we avoid unnecessary costs. We place a high value on cost efficiency in planning, but at the same time see quality as an elementary factor. Our professionals are aware of this. In addition, surprises cannot be ruled out in the event industry, be it bad weather or technical breakdowns. We integrate contingency plans so that we can not only weigh up every situation and possible risk, but also react to it in the shortest possible time. This flexibility enables us to act with agility in all scenarios. This enables us to minimize costs and at the same time be prepared for unexpected challenges. Rely on agt's expertise and commitment to meet your event logistics requirements and ensure the success of your event.

With our impressive network of more than 1,600 first-class coach partners throughout Europe, who work closely with us in event logistics, we have the ability to realize events with countless numbers of people. Our partner selection process is characterized by the highest quality standards and strict criteria. When selecting our partners, we pay particular attention to the corporate philosophy and safety policy of their vehicles in order to guarantee the outstanding quality and reliability of our services. The advantages of this extensive network are manifold. By working closely with our partners, we can offer a wide range of event logistics solutions tailored to the specific requirements of our customers. This enables us to respond flexibly to different needs and challenges and offer first-class event logistics services. Our network not only strengthens our reach, but also our ability to provide efficient and cost-effective solutions for events of any size and complexity. With this broad selection, we are ideally positioned to provide the highest level of event logistics for your event.

Report misconduct

As soon as you become aware of incidents or business practices of AGT Bus- & Eventlogistik GmbH where you have doubts as to whether they are in accordance with the legal regulations, the Code of Conduct or other guidelines of AGT Bus- & Eventlogistik GmbH, you can report them now.

Not only the support of employees, but also the assistance of customers and business partners is of great importance. This is the only way to react immediately and avert or minimize damage. Ideally, the problem should be discussed directly and confidentially with a contact person at AGT Bus- & Eventlogistik GmbH. In this way, a solution can be found quickly and without detours.

However, there may be situations in which this direct route does not appear feasible. In such cases, a specialized legal ombudsman (lawyer of trust) has been set up as an internal and external reporting office at AGT Bus- & Eventlogistik GmbH. The information will be received confidentially. The reporting person can communicate openly with the ombudsman, stating their name and contact details. This makes it possible to ask questions about the facts of the case, which sometimes proves to be very helpful. If desired, however, the identity of the person making the report will not be disclosed.

If you do not wish to disclose your identity to the lawyer of confidence, you can submit information online and anonymously via the following whistleblower portal. Anonymous tips will also be investigated.

It is trusted that no information will be submitted with dishonest intent. False reports can have legal consequences. With the help of this reporting system, AGT Bus- & Eventlogistik GmbH ensures that every report is carefully checked and that the reporter does not suffer any disadvantages as a result.

The attorney of trust of AGT Bus- & Eventlogistik GmbH can be reached at the following contact details:

Compliance Officer Services Legal

Attorney Stephan Rheinwalt
Telemannstrafle 22
53173 Bonn
Tel.: 0228/ 35036291
Mobile: 0171/7722906
Fax: 0228/ 35036292